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Along with all of the spoilers, there has been a lot of news about past idol contestants lately. Anyone remember Nikko Smith from season 4? He's planning on releasing his first ablum, "Revolution" soon. You can hear a few of his songs on his myspace, I'm listening to "Stickin" right now. It's ok, not great though. I predict that Nikko will be another American Idol flop. He wasn't too popular back in season 4 and now no one is going to remember who he is.
There's also news on Season 6's Gina Glocken. She just got married to her fiance. Haley Scarnato and Jordin Sparks were her bridesmades. Gina, Jordin, and Haley all look so pretty! I'm so happy for Gina! But I'd be even happier if she released an album! She was one of my favorite contestants in season 6!
Kristy Lee Cook who recently got dropped from Arista Records is also working on getting a recording contract with Universal. She stated that Carrie Underwood, who is also signed to Arista, may have been the reason as to why she was dropped. Makes sense to me. I mean, Kristy Lee Cook is just ok Carrie Underwood is great. Wouldn't you rather spend your money on someone that's great instead of just mediocre?
There is also news on The first American Idol, Kelly Clarkson. Her new single off of her upcoming ablum is "My Life Would Suck Without You". With a title like that I'm not feeling to confident that this song will be a sucess. Mjsbigblog also posted a picture of the single's cover. It barely even looks like Kelly. It actually looks more like a provocative Carrie Underwood. I don't like it at all. What happened to the sweet innocent Kelly Clarkson?
I'm a little late, but Happy New Year everyone! This is the first blog post for the new year!
It's been a couple days since I last blogged. I'll admit it, I've been slacking. I've just been so busy lately!
I found some more good American Idol spoilers though! Vote for the Worst posted about Matthew Zachary, who is 16 and supposively made it to hollywood. He is adorable and he supposively sang "Tainted Love", which is one of my all-time favorite songs, for his audition. I hope this information is accurate and I hope he goes far! Information is limited on him, but just by looking at him I think he's already won my vote. lol.
There's also news posted on Vote For The Worst, which they retrieved from JoesPlace about Justin Williams making the top 50. Here is a video from Vote For the Worst of him:
His voice sounds alright but I don't really care for his personality. He reminds me a lot of David Hernandez from Season 7, who got really annoying really fast.
There is also a bit of news floating around about Felicia Barton making the top 36. I liked her at first. She has a really funky vibe to her and a unique voice, but as the song went on I began to not like her so much. She sounds like she's screeching and shouting the song. I don't know. Maybe it's the song. Once I hear her perform on American Idol I'll be able to determine whether I like her or not. I've noticed through these past few years that for better or for worst, contestants usually sound a lot different on American Idol than they do on pre-idol recordings.
Vote for the worst also has a new picture of Adam Lambert up. The guy looks like a nut. He looks like he's going to be even worst than Sanjaya was. He's going to be the judges new nightmare and Vote For The Worst's new king.
As you probably know by now, the new season of American Idol kicks off on January 13th. However, that's still over two weeks away. American Idol fans have been waiting since last May for the new season, and we're all anxious and don't want to wait any longer! Luckily, some great blogs out there such as Vote For the Worst,, MJS Big Blog, and JoesPlace have provided us with some spoilers.
It looks like Joanna Pacitti is going to be this year's Carly Smithson. Her name has been coming up frequently on the web at being this year's "pimped out" contestant. Vote For the Worst has even reported that Joanna has strong connections to 19 Entertainment. She also used to be signed to Geffen records. Hmm sounds an awful lot like Carly Smithson so far doesn't it? But what does this mean? Last year Carly Smithson who was supposively going to be the most pimped out contestant ever never got a break from Simon. She didn't even make it into the top five. Now that the season has ended, Carly Smithson's career is just about over. No cd out yet and no one is as interested in her.
I'm listening to her take on Dashboard Confessional's "Screaming Infedelities" right now. It's so weird. It's supposed to be a sad, depressing song and Joanna made it happy. I hate it. Her voice isn't that bad, but she just butchered one of my favorite songs with it. She soundswhiny, too. I don't know. Maybe once I hear her perform on American Idol I'll like her more. Right now I think she's going to be an annoying, whiny, overrated girl.
I personally love Jackie Mendez. I think she's got a great voice, but I don't think she has the potential to win. She was a failed contestant on The One (the same show that Syesha Mercado was a part of prior to Idol) and she used to be signed to Elektra records. It seems like this season is going to be following the same trend as last season by having several contestants who have already had a record deal in the past. I hate how they do that. Yeah, they get good singers from it, but it's not fair for the people that try out without ever having had a break. American Idol is about finding new talent, not failed artists.
Here's a video of Jackie Mendez singing "Last Dance" that was taken from Vote for The Worst:
Another notable rumored top 50 contestant is Adam Lambert.
I think he has the potential to be this season's Sanjaya Malaker, or Danny Norweigan at the least. He looks so tacky and ridiculous. Based on his myspace he seems very carefree. American Idol will hate him and will probably go out of their way to make sure he doesn't get in the top 12. Vote for the Worst already loves him and wants him to be their worster. Also, within 24 hours of Vote for the Worst posting information up about him, he deleated several myspace pictures and changed his name to 'Hiatus". hmmm...
There's several other names that have been leaked as being in the top 50, but these are the three that have caught my attention the most so far. Look for more updates soon!
This is the first official blog on What's Poppin in Pop Culture! I plan to use this blog to talk about various points of pop culture and my own personal views and opinions on things. I'm a huge American Idol fan so from January-May a large portion of this blog will be used for American Idol postings. You may be wondering why I didn't just make this an American Idol blog. My answer to you then is that American Idol takes up January-May. There's still June-December when American Idol is not on air. I want to be able to blog during that time period, too. Also, American Idol isn't going to last forever. I want to have a blog I can post in even when American Idol gets cancelled. This is it for the first entry. I now present to you What's Poppin' In Pop Culture!