Why are concert shirts so expensive?
According to the latest edition of Rolling Stone, there are many different factors that lead to concert shirts being so overpriced, and less than half the money goes to the band!
Here is the breakdown on where the money spent for the shirt is going to:
$3.98-Taxes and fees/Paying for security.
$7.76-Split between the vendor and promoter for a vendor fee.
$9.26-The merchandise company.
$14-The band.
This breakdown applies to the average price of a concert t-shirt, which is $35.
Are you surprised by this breakdown? Does this understanding of where your money is going make you more or less willing to buy a tshirt at the next concert you attend?
My biggest concern is...does the band really need $14 per tshirt? Aren't they making enough money from the ticket sales, not to mention TV show apperances, their Cd's, and everything else?
Labels: Clothes, Concerts, concerts tshirts, rolling stone magazine, tshirts