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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Review of American Idol's Boston Auditions

Ok, first off, I have to say how thankful I am that Victoria Beckham is only a guest judge. She was so annoying. I'm not sure exactly why, she just was. Oh, and she looks so WEIRD. I think if someone accidentally touches her face it will break...and yet she's supposed to be a supermodel or something? Ugh.

But overall I think the Boston auditions were good. It definitely made me feel pretty optomistic about this season.

Of course, there were still the hilariously bad auditions, too. My favorite was Pat Ford's audition. He sang "Womanzier" by Britney Spears and it makes William Hung look like an amateur when it comes to singly badly and dancing equally badly. haha. Check out his audition below:

And then there was Andrew Felon. Wow, what an asshole. Seriously. This guy complained constantly about having to wait to audition and was just so ignorant and rude. Kara went off on him. I for once completely agree with Kara. He had a terrible voice too. I don't understand how Simon could have said at the end "It would have been a yes for me", because this guy can't sing at all. Even if he wasn't rude, he still can't sing. He could have been the sweetest guy in the world, but it wouldn't change the fact that he can't sing. The whole audition was rather amusing though. Check him out below:

There were two contestants that the judges seemed to love that I hated. One of them was Amadeo. I thought he was a joke. Seriously. He is really annoying and not a good singer at all. Yet, for some stupid reason the judges loved him and put him through to Hollywood. I don't seem him advancing very far in the compeitition. I think he will fall apart in Hollywood and be one of the first to be eliminated. Oh, and he sang "Hoochie Coochie Man" for his audition. Who picks a song like that? So weird. Check him out below:

The other contestant that the judges loved that I hated was Tyler Grady. Tyler looks like he came from another decade, which the judges mention right away. They seem to like that about him; it makes him unique. However, his vocals just aren't there for me. I don't understand why the judges love him so much. His personality annoys me, too. He almost reminds me of Corey Clark from season 2 of American Idol. *shrugs*. What do you guys think? Listen below and tell me your thoughts.

There were many contestants that I loved tonight. One of them being Mike Davis. He is probably my favoritest contestant for this season so far. However, he almost didn't even make it to Hollywood. Randy and Simon didn't seem to like him that much, but the girls loved him. He seems so nice and has such a great voice. I'd love to see him go far in the compeition, but since Randy and Simon already don't like him much, I don't seem that happening. However, he could always turn out to be the season's "dark horse" I guess. Is it me, or is this guy awesome? Check him out and let me know what you think.

Another one that I liked a lot was Justin Williams, however, I think I liked him better in the Youtube video I heard before his audition. They pimped out his cancer story and gave him a lot of airtime tonight, so that pretty much says that he'll be going far this season. He made it pretty far last season, so I think it's safe to say the producers want him around even more this season. He won't win, but I'm almost certain he'll at least make the top 12. He annoys me a little bit because at times he seems over-confident and cocky. Check out his video below:

Maddie Curtis was also very talented, but she is very nervous and shy and may end up getting lost in the bunch. She sang a very pure, clear version of "Hallejuh". It sounded flawless, but it lacked action and personality. Talent-wise, Maddie has a lot of potential to go far, but unless she starts deliving more of her personality, viewers will forget all about her. I really like her though, so I hope she comes out of her shell enough to do well. Listen to her below:

Katie Stevens was also great and highly pimped-out. I think she is a top 5 contestant, with a high chance of winning the whole compeitition. She has a sad story about how her grandmom has Alzehimers and she got a lot of screen time. All of the judges loved her. She is also very young and different from any other female contestant that has previously won American Idol. Great chance of doing well. Check her audition video out below:

Ashley Rodriguez was another favorite. The judges loved her and thought she was pretty and Kara said she had a strong comemricial apperance. Sounds like they can "sell" her well. haha. I think she'll go far in the compeition, but maybe not quire as far as Katie Stevens. Check her out below:

What were your thoughts on the Boston auditions? Who did you love and/or loathe?

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American Idol Season 9 Contestant to Watch Out For: Katie Stevens

Oh. My God. I love Katie Stevens. How many times have you seen a down to earth, non-hardcore girl with a guitar on American Idol? I can't remember any. She's the female version of the Kris Allen type. I think she's amazing and I really hope she goes far. The only flaw is she looks kind of boring. I think in order to do well in this competition she needs to show more of her personality. Simon will probably rip her to shreds if she doesn't. lol.

Listen to a cover of her singing "Bubbly" by Colbie Calliat below. Thoughts?

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Is Justin Williams a Modern Day Beach Boy?

Ever since I was little I've loved the beach boys for their distinct sound. I never once thought I'd ever hear another music artist with a similar sound...until I heard Justin Williams.

Justin Williams allegedly made it to Hollywood week this season. He also made it through last season and got cut just before the top 32 was chosen. However, I can't for the life of me remember him from last year. I think that he has a lot of potential to go far though if he got that far last season. Kind of reminds me of how Gina Glocksen auditioned 3 times before making it to the top 12.

I think he's amazing, but he won't win because American Idol is trying to find a winner that goes beyond the singing with a guitar. They had that last year with Kris Allen.

Below is a video of Williams singing "Fly Me to the Moon". Thoughts?

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American Idol Contestant to Watch Out For: Todrick Hall

Todrick Hall is amazing. A really great R&B singer. American Idol hasn't had many great male R&B singers, especially not in recent singers. Because of that, I think he has a good chance of going far on the show. He'll be different and the producers seem to really be looking for different singers this season instead of the cute boy that sings with a guitar.

Hall was involved in a lot of musicals and even wrote Oz the Musical, which starred many former American Idol contestants. His connections and experience will help him a lot in the initial stages of the show, but hopefully his voice won't come off as being too "broadway" and hopefully his performances won't be too "theatrical".

Below is a video of him singing. What do you think? I think he's amazing and I can't wait to see him on the show!

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Glee Renewed for Second Season; Searching For 3 New Cast Members

Rickey.org has just reported that Glee is not only being renewed for a second season, but they are also about to launch a nation-wide tour in search of three new cast mates!

The search for new cast mates is supposedly going to be documented and aired in a 3-part tv special as if it were a reality show. The winners will then make their debut in the first episode of season 2.

No word yet on when or where auditions will be held.

Are you excited for a second season of Glee? Are any of you considering trying out for one of the three new roles next season?


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