Minature I-Pads to be Available in Time for Christmas

Perezhilton.com just announced that Apple will be making a line of 7 inch I-Pads in time for the holiday season.
The current I-pads are just over 9 and a half inches.
Honestly, I fail to see the point in this innovation. There's the standard size I-pad, apple laptops, I-phones, Ipods, and now a smaller I-pad? Why? They all do pretty much the same things, don't they? I mean, if you want something smaller than the I-pad why not just purchase and I-phone or an I-pod Touch? Do we really need a miniature I-pad? It almost seems like a waste of technology. But hey, maybe I'm just biased. I never got the point of standard I-pads either.
What are your thoughts on the new, smaller I-pads? Do you own a standard size I-pad? Are you looking to purchase the mini I-pad when it becomes available?
Labels: Apple, Computers, eletronics, Ipads, Iphones, Ipods, Laptops, mp3 players, Technology
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