JD Salinger's..........Toilet.......to be Auctioned on E-bay

Don't get me wrong, I love JD Salinger and he has my uttermost respect. If I was like a millionaire or something I would surely love to purchase a piece of Salinger history. I mean, the man was one of the greatest writers of all time, a true legend that I can only dream of being half as talented as.
But, when I saw an article posted on Perezhilton.com explaining how his toilet was going up for auction on E-bay starting at 1 million dollars, my first reaction was "His toilet, what the hell?".
Why would anyone in their right mind want to buy another man's used toilet? OK, maybe Elvis I could understand. If your a true Elvis fanatic maybe you want to buy the piece of "furniture" he allegedly died on. But Salinger didn't die on his toilet, at least as far as I'm aware he didn't.
So why of all things to auction of, would they choose his toilet? Why not a personal copy of his favorite novel or his writing desk or something? It just doesn't make sense to me.
Perezhilton.com also mentioned that when Salinger died his wife got first dibs on all of his written work, much of which has never been published. His wife is planning on releasing it to the public, though (something Salinger definitely would NOT approve of!). Why not auction of one of the original scripts? They could bring in so much money that way and donate it to charity or something.
But a toilet? Really?
Anyway, are any of yous actually planning on bidding on Salinger's toilet? Thoughts?
Labels: Auctions, Classic Writers, E-Bay, Franny and Zooey, JD Salinger, Perez Hilton, The Catcher and the Rye, toilets, Writers
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